Through a compressed air system, the new weapon allows to reach the nests with a chemical treatment capable of causing the destruction of the nests and wasps.
The municipality led by Rui Marqueiro emphasises that the weapon is considered "environmentally friendly", since it works without harmful chemicals to ecosystems.
In Mealhada, firefighters are at the forefront of combating the invasive species. The Chamber provides financial support to the fire brigades of Pampilhosa and Mealhada in the acquisition of 'kits' for intervention and combating velutine.
The velutina wasp is an Asian species characteristic of tropical and subtropical regions from northern India to eastern China, Indochina and the archipelago of Indonesia, its existence being reported since 2011 in the northern region of Portugal.
Velutin is distinguished from the European species Vespa crabro by the colour of its abdomen, which is predominantly black, unlike the European, where yellow prevails.
The Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests has warned of the effects of the presence of this non-indigenous species, especially in apiculture, as it is a carnivorous and predatory species of bees.
The Asian wasp is also a threat to public health, reacting quite aggressively when its nests are threatened, "including pursuits up to a few hundred metres".
Unless this is a Portuguese variant, I suspect the photo accompanying this article is NOT the Asian wasp. The Asian wasp, better named Asian hornet (scientific name: Vespa Velutina Nigrithorax) has a black thorax, black legs with yellow "socks".
As this is a dangerous species I recommend readers to Google the "Vespa Velutina" in order to recognise this pest. Also not to be confounded with the European hornet which is not a threath.
Editors note: Thank you for your comment, we have now altered the photo. 22.07.2020
By hdl from Algarve on 22 Jul 2020, 12:59