The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, has acknowledge the difficulties that have affected the services in the Paediatric Emergency and Obstetrics units in Algarve hospitals and will only be resolved by the end of July.

“There have been some difficulties but there will be no closure of services. There may be a possibility that we will have some failures in the paediatric services, but I cannot say with absolute certainty, but meetings are taking place and they can prevent that from happening,” said the minister.

Marta Temido assured that if this does happen a, “first-rate generic emergency” will continue to be ensured in Portimão, but children in need of specialised assistance will need to be referred to Faro, as should pregnant woman in need of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

“It is pretty clear that this situation is not pleasant. And that’s why we are trying to get pass it and we will do it so in the next few weeks,” said the Health minister.

Faced with the predictability of the largest influx of tourists in the Algarve due to summer holidays. The minister stressed that the situation “is not ideal” but dismisses a pessimistic scenario.

“The question that we won’t have enough people and that the situation will be out of control, for me it doesn’t correspond to the reality,” she stated.