“Renato returned home today his father said in a message he sent me. It is great news”, Paulo Santos said.
Renato Silva (26) returned home after more than a month in hospital in the neurosurgery unit, with a bullet lodged in his brain.
Perpignan hospital released Renato Silva despite the fact that he still suffers from facial paralysis and has not recovered from deafness in one ear.
The terrorist attack killed five people, including the attacker Radouane Lakdim.
Mr Silva was shot by Radouane Lakdim when he was in him car in Carcassonne and the passenger who was with his was killed by the attacker’s shots.
Lakdim then stole the car and fired at some soldiers on his way to a supermarket where he took hostages.
National shot in France terror attack returns home
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 03 May 2018, 13:02 · 0 Comments