The majority of the refugees, who are mostly Syrian, are on the run, although 147 have been located, some even arrested, in other countries such as Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden and Holland and sent back to Portugal, which foots the bills for their return.
The remaining 326 are still at large.
These figures were published by newspaper Diário de Notícias (DN), which reveals the migrants’ movements after arriving in Portugal, known as secondary movements, have been debated by the Anti-Terrorism Coordination Unit (UCAT), which agglomerates the country’s main police and secret services.
The group also monitors refugees in Portugal to flag situations of radicalisation.
DN reports that integration difficulties are one of the main reasons that drive refugees to leave the country, and that the high abandonment rate is attracting special attention.
Portugal’s government has acknowledged that Portugal “is not the preferred destination” for the refugees, and that they should be “better informed” about their duties.
The government, via adjunct Minister (without portfolio) Eduardo Cabrita´s office, acknowledged that “our country is not a preferential destination for applicants for international protection”, a situation that it intends to resolve with the “intensification of information about Portugal, in particular with the Refugee Shelter Kit, both in origin and arrival in national territory.”
Addressing a question posed by the Left Bloc during a first parliamentary meeting on the matter held last week, Eduardo Cabrita further admitted that “more information needs to be provided to refugees about relocation rules and the limitation of rights associated with secondary movements. “These rules state that a refugee loses protection rights, such as social security, access to education and the health system outside the country. We fully assume our
Number of refugees abandoning Portugal doubles in two months
in News · 27 Apr 2017, 12:26 · 5 Comments
These people are NOT refugees , they are vulgar economic migrants who have used the asylum process to access the EU and who do not understand that their status is temporary and they will be expected to go home one day , they cannot stay in Europe .
By PG from Lisbon on 03 May 2017, 10:27
Hello I need information.
Since two years ago I'm in Germany I have been rejected by German government .
I want to come to Portugal can someone tell me how can I come?
By Farhad Kazemi from Other on 21 Jun 2017, 08:35
We, Portuguese people and other Europeans are ignorant because we blindly welcome these Muslim migrants, without realizing that these Muslims are a very barbaric kind of people with a very savage religious cult called Islam.
Muslims reproduce like cockroaches and most of them are not at all qualified for jobs. Most of them come to Europe with the intention of stealing the taxes paid for by the European citizens. Look at what Angel Merkel did to Germany - she destroyed Germany by letting in millions of these Muslims. .. just because she and the other EU elite politicnas have been bribed by Saudi Arabia with billions of Euros to Islamize the entire Europe and destroy the entire European culture.
By Manuel Obreiro from Lisbon on 20 Nov 2017, 04:26
This message for Mr Manuel Obreiro.
I would like to say that I have been living in Portugal for almost 2 years. Honestly I like your country a lot, and I work here very hard for a boss, who is a EU citizen. He never pays me holidays, I can not even choose when I will take my unpaid holidays, because I simply do not get them. I pay social security and tax every month like everyone. I do not get any social benefits from your state and we do not need them. We, people who came here, we have 2 hands and brain, so we can use it. Everybody who depands on social benefits is a very poor person in every country of the world and has a very poor life, buying low quality food, etc. etc... And you should know, that immigrants do not leave their country to have a poor life in another country. What you can buy for social benefits, like unemployment money and how long you can you live on them? So your logic does not make sence. Migration is natural. Many Portuguese in history migrated to Brasil and many people migrated back to Portugal. Every decade 400 thousand people made such a move. Why do you think people do it? Everybody wants and deserves to have a better life. United States are all created by immigrants. Brasil is created by immigrants....Now, next point. You are calling muslims barbaric people. Now i will give you few examples: Few days ago one muslim guy was beaten inside the metro here in Lisboa by portuguese people. There was nobody who would help him, Although many people were sitting around. And police was slow and useless. Another example: In other part of the world non muslim people kill muslims, and where is your sympathy or solidarity with them? I am talking about Rohinga people who are massively killed by Burmese government and people. So that is not barbaric? Why do you not speak about that? And what about Yugoslavia? Was it not christians, who was fighting there? I think barbars are everywhere and calling just one group of people this way is just hypocratic. You should not say that muslims are bad, and people of other religions are good, because everywhere are good and bad people. Every person is individual. We all are human beings. No religion teaches people to do anything bad to somebody else. Every religion helps people to have their life easier and to have a good life.I think that without religions our world would be more dangerous, because people would have no system of values, no restrictions no limits in their behaviour. Therefore every religion should be respected by others. I have no negative feelings towards anyone.
By Ekra from Lisbon on 31 Jan 2018, 00:37
The number of failed asylum seekers is growing and EU governments are doing nothing to deport them , and there is no pressure from the UN on countries who refuse to take back their citizens . Then the NGOs just keep on encouraging illegal migration , and are doing nothing to help the unemployed and poor EU citizens . This will lead to massive unrest across the EU , and demands for the NGOs to be banned
By Paul R from Lisbon on 19 Aug 2019, 14:20