"During my visit to Lisbon, the Portuguese President confirmed the purchase of six @embraer planes," wrote Temer on his personal Twitter feed. "More investments in Brazil."
In a video published on the same social network, Temer reiterated the information: "In Portugal we had the confirmation of the purchase of six Embraer planes, five planes plus one. A KC390 cargo plane, a very modern plane."
The Brazilian president stopped over in Portugal on Wednesday on his way to China for an official visit and the summit of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which is to take place in Beijing between 3 and 5 September.
His announcement follows one from Portugal's government on 27 July on the start of negotiations with Embraer on the planned purchase of five KC-390 military planes that can also be used to fight forest fires. A cabinet resolution published in the state journal that same day referred to “up to five KC-390 aircraft, with an option for one more”, and also the logistical backup and a flight simulator to be installed and operated in Portugal.
Portugal was involved in the project to develop and produce the KC-390 - a commitment reinforced in 2011 by its then minister of defence and Embraer, in an agreement under which Portugal indicated its interest in purchasing the plane.
This year has been the worst in Portugal in over a decade for forest fires, with dozens of aircraft - some of them lent by other European countries - helping combat blazes across the country's interior.
smart move: work share and fire fighting ! congrats
By matt from Lisbon on 04 Sep 2017, 20:04
Re: "planned purchase of five KC-390 military planes that can also be used to fight forest fires".
I understand that these aircaraft are primarily "planned" to be purchased, primarily as part of the military commitment of membership to NATO by Portugal.
The added on kits for the fire-fighting facility is very interesting, especially as they and the aircraft have never been tested. The thoughts of these aircraft scooping up water from the rivers and lakes in Portugal is surely not planned with the aircrafts turbine jet engines positioned so low down...perhaps this why the [already proven] Russian fire-fighting aircraft have their jet engines fitted on top of the aircraft wings to clear the water surface when descending to scoop up water from rivers and lakes.
Possibly, the authorities are planning to have the untested aircraft on stand-by, with the [environmentally friendly] chemical fire retardents loaded for spraying onto the fires. This will be very reassuring to those of us ie: in central Portugal, who will have to wait on these aircraft coming from their distant air bases to extinguish any wildfires in our vicinity.
Perhaps quicker by submarine!
By Ronnie in the Beiras from Beiras on 07 Sep 2017, 20:11