Speaking to journalists, on the sidelines of the ceremony to celebrate the 112th anniversary of the demarcation of the Vinho Verde region, the president of CVRVV, Manuel Pinheiro, said that the market should end the year “without losses compared to last year”.
"Naturally, it all depends on whether we are going to have another lockdown and it depends on how the economy will behave at the end of the year, but we are very confident that we will manage to close the year with good numbers," he said.
During the ceremony, Manuel Pinheiro also said that exports have been “very good”, with indicators showing, by the end of August, increases of around 10% in the market for green wines and 5.8% in the market of white wines.
“April and May were very difficult months both in Portugal and in exports. They were the months of confinement and the economy practically stopped. Then we started to recover and we are recovering, even more strongly in exports than in the domestic market. We are having good results in white and rosé wine”, he said.
Although markets such as France and Brazil have “retracted”, the North American, German, Swedish and Norwegian markets “performed very well”.
“In a global analysis, exports had positive results”, said the president of CVRVV, adding that Poland and Japan are “markets that are growing”.
Manuel Pinheiro also referred to the “resilient” and “ambitious” character of the region and its producers, stating that the objectives now include improving the quality of wines, valuing the region's wines and investing in wine tourism.