“My work as a ‘whistleblower’ is finished. I never received money for what I did. I’m not a hacker, I’m a whistleblower. I made a lot of important information public that otherwise would never have been known,” said Rui Pinto, at the beginning of the first session of the trial at the Central Criminal Court in Lisbon.
Rui Pinto, who did not want to comment on concrete facts, expressed “indignation” at what he discovered and was available to “continue collaborating with the authorities”, pointing out that “important inquiries are under way” with his denunciations.
“I’m in a strange situation here: I’m a defendant and a protected witness. I’ve been the target of a slander and libel campaign. I’ve been in prison for a year and a half, with seven months of total isolation. It was very difficult,” he said.
The first session of the trial, chaired by Judge Margarida Alves, which was scheduled for 9.30am, began at 10.45am, surrounded by a strong police presence - expressed with a security perimeter around the premises and with the presence of special units of the Public Security Police (PSP) - and media, attracting dozens of journalists from various countries.
At the entrance, the lawyers representing the creator of Football Leaks, Francisco Teixeira da Mota and William Bourdon, did not want to make statements, like the lawyer Aníbal Pinto, the other defendant in the case, pronounced only for the crime of extortion, in the attempted form.
Rui Pinto, 31 years old, shall answer for a total of 90 crimes: 68 of undue access, 14 of violation of correspondence, six of illegitimate access, targeting entities such as Sporting, Doyen, PLMJ Law Firm, the Portuguese Football Federation and the Attorney General’s Office, as well as for computer sabotage of Sporting’s SAD and for extortion, and for attempted extortion.
The creator of Football Leaks has been at liberty since 7 August, “due to his collaboration” with the Judiciary Police (PJ) and his “critical sense”, but is, for security reasons, part of the witness protection programme in an undisclosed location and under police protection.
It is surreal that a citizen moved to do the right thing by the collective has been subjected to such abuse. However, Rui Pinto, the value of what you´ve done is incommensurable. Lots of us tried to point out the problems with Portugal´s Judicial System, often at odds with "official" narratives. Your sacrifice and presence of spirit in such adverse circumstances has shown the world what Portugal really is like. I feel gratitude that ppl like you still exist.To quote a graffitti that was in a wall at Campo Grande Metro 20-something years ago "Portugal is cursed by God"
By guida from Lisbon on 11 Sep 2020, 06:59
The corruptors will be pleased to know that you are out. Is this good or bad!
By ANA PAULA CABRITA from Algarve on 11 Sep 2020, 11:55
I'm told that the info leaked by RP is of no legal value because it was illegally obtained! Being that the case will the corrupts exposed be ever pursecuited? The Portuguese justice system is a misery. Legally or illegally obtained the info and facts on corruption are often never acted upon! See Sócrates, Salgado, etc. That's Portugal!
By Tony Fernandes from Other on 12 Sep 2020, 13:41