The IPMA said that April to September was extremely dry, a situation that had not occurred since 2005. It added that the combination of much lower than normal rainfall and high temperature resulted in high evaporation.
Environment secretary of state, Carlos Martins, acknowledged at the end of a Water Management Commission meeting that there was imminent risk of water scarcity in Viseu which is served by the Fagilde dam.
The drought has led to the government granting extra support to farmers for water wells, especially in the Alentejo districts of Evora, Beja and Portalegre and in the municipalities of Alcácer do Sal, Grândola and Santiago do Cacém, near the river Sado.
Severe drought affects 80 percent of country
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 12 Oct 2017, 13:38 · 0 Comments