"Hospitalization 'per se' is an increased risk factor because the patient will become more immobile," with "an increased risk" because blood circulates more slowly in the veins and arteries, and there is "a greater likelihood of forming a clot", said GESCAT president Sérgio Barroso, who was speaking to the Lusa agency about World Thrombosis Day, scheduled for 13 October.

According to the oncologist, about 60% of thromboses that occur worldwide happen during hospitalization, being more frequent after orthopedic, oncological and gynecological surgical procedures.

Hospitals have measures in place to reduce the incidence, but they cannot yet prevent thrombosis in full.

In our country, things are quite good, but there is still work to be done and an improvement that we can achieve and, therefore, the importance of World Thrombosis Day to increase knowledge about the risks and the importance of prevention.

In addition to hospitalization, the focus is on cancer-related thrombosis and the incidence of the disease in women due to exposure to additional risk factors, such as the use of oral contraceptives and pregnancy.

Data released by GESCAT indicate that one in four deaths worldwide is related to thrombosis, which occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein and can cause deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, which can lead to death from venous thromboembolism.

According to the International Society for Thrombosis and Hemostasis, which promotes the date, venous thromboembolism causes more deaths each year in Europe and the United States than all cases of AIDS, breast cancer, prostate cancer and road accidents.

Barroso stresses that the first step towards prevention is to know the symptoms of the disease: pain in the calf, heat, swelling, feeling of stretched skin and redness in the leg or arm.

To reduce the risk of the disease, people must have healthy lifestyles, exercise, not be at a standstill for too long and avoid smoking and alcohol.

The President of GESCAT warned that patients should immediately seek medical help when these symptoms occur to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment quickly.