"The municipality did not apply a time limit for the practice of sports associated with the coast, we rely on the common sense of the practitioners", said a local source, questioned by the agency Lusa.

The municipality, which has about 30 kilometres of coastline, will, according to the same source, communicate “the rules for the use of beaches, in physical and digital media, in order to ensure that all users are aware” and work in first collaboration with the maritime authority.

In the municipality of Mafra, which, like Cascais, is part of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, time limits were imposed to avoid the risk of contagion and the crowding of surfers on the beaches.

On Monday, the mayor of Mafra, Hélder Sousa Silva, explained to the agency Lusa, that the measure "intends to avoid disturbances", clarifying that fishermen have 120 minutes a day, surfers 90 minutes and walkers 60-minutes.

The rules defined in the Government's deconfination plan allow access to the beach for surfing and related sports, for recreational fishing and for the practice of non-collective sports such as running or walking.