Upon analysing migration tendencies, the report indicates that “the only group with more than 10,000 people who have the common denominator of citizenship from an EU nation and a birthplace outside of the EU are Portuguese citizens born in India.”
Citizens born in Goa, Daman and Diu up until 19 December 1961, when those states were incorporated into the Republic of India by military conquest, have Portuguese nationality, which can also be claimed by their descendents up to the third generation.
Data supplied to Lusa News Agency from the Portuguese Ambassador to India, Jorge Roza de Oliveira, indicates that, on average, every year, around one thousand people obtain Portuguese nationality being descendants of citizens from Goa, Daman and Diu.
In fact, according to the study published in mid-July, Portugal leads the ranking in terms of the nationality of immigrants in the UK who were born outside the EU, representing 54,000 of 264,000 during the first three months of this year.
In related news, it has emerged that the number of Portuguese nationals living and working abroad has, for the first time ever, surpassed the four million barrier.
The biggest boosts in the number of Portuguese emigrants were noted in Canada, Brazil, South Africa and the UK.
On the other hand Venezuela, France and Holland have all seen their Portuguese émigré populations dwindle.
Third of UK’s Portuguese immigrants are Luso-Indians
in Travel · 20 Aug 2015, 13:23 · 1 Comments
Nehru called Goans "Anokhe Log" or Weird people.The state of Goa is bankrupt and the per capital debt on each Goan is around 1500 USD.There is NO VIABLE industry in Goa, as there is NO demand and NO logistics
COVID has destroyed Tourism,for good and forever.
The state SURVIVES ,and the salaries of the CM of Goa, are paid from taxes on gambling and alcohol.
Since 1961,the inept Indian State has developed NO industry in Goa - which is VIABLE,w/o sops and subsidies.The fact is that even today 60 years after 1961, there is NOTHING worthwhile to see in Goa,besides Portugese architecture.
The state of education in Goa is pitiable , with the result that Goans are happy cleaning toilets in UK and EU.Some are Camel Herders in Saudia
Even the GSPC Chairman is on record to state that Goans "lack in analytical reasoning, knowledge of scientific application and general knowledge including current affairs"
10,000 Goan students failed in an accountant exam - with a 100% fail rate !
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/all-10-000-applicants-fail-goa-govt-exam-for- accountant-posts/story-nSzn8flSU2xJrdWAxvjrVM.html
The Indian state does NOT trust the Goan Catholics - and that is Y, there is a heavy army and navy presence in Goa.The Goa Govtt is overstaffed - as it is the GOI policy to keep Goans on the state payroll - TO BUY THEIR LOYALTY.
The Indian State could not prevent the Bombing of the Margao Church and the Vasco statue in Vasco,Goa.dindooohindoo
The GOI wants Goans to exit,so that the social composition of Goans LOWERS the Catholic content.
By samir sardana from Other on 04 May 2021, 14:47