The work in progress aims to remodel the basic infrastructures and the public space in the area which has not undergone significant changes since being built some 50 years ago.
The total value of the works has been stated as being € 396,595.24 by Lagoa council with works expected to be completed in 180 days.
This public tender, launched by the Câmara de Lagoa, will take place in the area which has already seen improvements being made to public lighting and electricity supply.
Part of the works will create basic sanitation infrastructures, connecting the houses to the sewage network, and the implementation of a rain drainage network, which until now has been done superficially. The water supply network, which is almost 50 years old, will also be renewed.
The Municipality of Lagoa intends to improve basic sanitation, outdoor spaces and communication routes. The streets will be re-paved, including new ecological islands, more parking spaces will be created and traffic directions will be revised.
A statement from the council said: “Facilitating mobility and the priority of pedestrians in this area are also objectives of this work. In the peripheral area facing the housing, a pavement will be built for users with reduced mobility, which implies ensuring that the road and the pavements are at the same level, correcting the profile of the crossing”.