Meo Rip Curl Pro 葡萄牙冲浪赛将于明天(3 月 6 日)开始,一直持续到 3 月 16 日,届时将汇集世界上最优秀的冲浪选手,争夺 2024 年的世界冠军。
葡萄牙冲浪迷对职业冲浪手 Frederico Morais(又名 "Kikas")寄予厚望,他是唯一一位代表葡萄牙参加巡回赛的葡萄牙冲浪手。
图片来源图片提供;作者:Yariv KavYariv Kav;
有关比赛 "开始 "时间和现场直播的每日信息,请访问世界冲浪联赛网页。
With a passion for surfing and writing, Yariv Kav moved to Portugal´s wave capital from his native Israel. He was awarded a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Manchester back when Oasis was still cool, and a diploma with distinction from the London School of Journalism in Feature and Freelance Writing. Loves travel, languages and human stories.