A head of the company that acquired the space told Lusa that the urban complex covers some 12,000 square metres, and is comprised of 40 apartments, a shopping centre, where a cinema and a disco once functioned, as well as the Bullring, which has been closed since the end of 2019.
“Our goal is to carry out an urban rehabilitation of the entire area, preserving the memory and identity of the bullring in the city,” Jorge Duarte, administrative manager of Corcova in the Algarve - Investimentos Turísticos e Imobiliários, SA.
Asked about the solution to be given to the area occupied by the arena itself, Jorge Duarte revealed that this was an “ongoing project” and something that is being studied among the promoters and the municipality, but underlined that “in terms of bullfighting, it has ended”.
As for the hypothesis of this area becoming “a showroom, apartments or a shopping centre” it is something that “is not yet determined”, he stressed. In addition, the housing structure is “very degraded” and still needs intervention.
A source from Albufeira Town Hall confirmed to Lusa the deactivation of the Bullring, whose bullfights were previously taking place through an agreement between the former owners and the promoter of the events, something that ended when Corcova acquired the complex.
The Albufeira Bullring, which has a capacity for 3,803 spectators, opened on 10 April, 1982 and was the only bullring that still functioned regularly in the Algarve.
According to data from the General Inspection of Cultural Activities (IGAC), in 2019 it was the location with the most shows in Portugal (20), but the sixth in terms of attendance (16,260), with an average of 813 spectators per bullfight.
The 2019 Bullfighting Activity Report prepared by IGAC highlights the fact that Albufeira “went to sixth place in terms of spectators, when it remained in second place for at least four years, with a decrease of about 5,600 spectators”.
Lusa tried to determine the date of the last bullfight, but it was not possible to contact the organisation and the official website of the Praça de Touros de Albufeira is no longer active.
Excellent that barbaric pastimes has finally come to and end in the Algarve.This is years overdue as torturing animals for onlookers, has no place in the civilised world.
Will they make another white elephant like the Albufeira marina,or have they come to their senses and will make something useful and attractive?
By James from Algarve on 12 Feb 2021, 07:15
I'm so glad its finally ended bullfighting.i wudent go.x
By Sue gray from UK on 12 Feb 2021, 17:14
It would be good to see the open space used for cultural events.
By David Littlewood from Algarve on 13 Feb 2021, 12:15
Absolutely brilliant and good on you Portugal,, will have no problem coming for holiday now,, not like Spain,, I will never give my money to Spain until they stop their evil with bulls.. and I’m sure there’s many who feel the same..
so let’s hope Spain follows suit and do the right and decent thing and stop this evil..
Well done Portugal
By Michelle Smith from UK on 13 Feb 2021, 18:36
I will be a lot happier going to Portugal knowing the Bullring is no more. Well done. There is no place in today’s society for this abhorrent activity
By Elizabeth Gill from UK on 13 Feb 2021, 19:22
Good riddance.
By Paolo from Algarve on 15 Feb 2021, 14:49
Thank Heaven for this! I hope this action and the heart behind it leads to our citizens really standing up against bull fights.. and cruelty to ALL animals..great and small..on land..in the sea and winged..humans are too callous about it and turn their heads..how you can have fun and feel proud of yourself at an animal's suffering is beyond me.. those a**holes (sorry!) who enjoy it argue that a bull charges out of anger??..maybe because of smelling it's own blood..I think it is fear..utter fear and hopelessness at the hands of their owners and abusers..because yehaaaa man..we have ownership and control over everything!! But the wheel turns..eventually....
By Benita Rodrigues from Algarve on 16 Feb 2021, 15:59
Very sorry to read this. The modern culture of cultural and historical desecration so desired by progressives and liberals finds another victim. At the same time as cheering this, they applaud such horrors as abortion and euthanasia. Utter hypocrites.
By Ben from Other on 17 Feb 2021, 08:16
Let me get you a box of tissues Ben. The bulls aren't interested in your political agenda.
By William from Other on 17 Feb 2021, 19:54
Well said, William. Let's help Ben understand that this is the 21st century and no amount of "whataboutery" and hatred of progress excuses horrors like the ritual torture of animals.
By Paolo from Algarve on 19 Feb 2021, 11:39