These are some of the results of the consultation carried out by the National Federation of Education (FNE), which received responses from nearly 900 teachers and around 100 employees across the country.
The online survey aimed to understand the conditions in schools at the start of the school year and about a quarter of teachers admitted to being concerned about their mental health and well-being (26%) as well as overworking (23 .5%).
Complaints of overwork were even greater among non-teaching staff (25%), which will be related to the lack of staff in schools, said the secretary general of the FNE in statements to Lusa.
According to João Dias da Silva, “68% said that the operational assistants in their schools were insufficient”.
“The lack of operational assistants is a result of the Ministry of Education having launched the competitions too late, which meant that the schools were unable to organise themselves on time”, he criticised in statements to Lusa.
For João Dias da Silva, the result of the inquiry reflects the concerns that have been raised by the FNE.
Among them is the process of distributing computers by teachers. Most have already received the equipment, but “42% have not had access to a computer this school year”, laments João Dias da Silva.
Another of the warnings that has been made by the FNE concerns the urgent need to improve the Internet in schools, but the survey shows that there are still problems in many educational establishments.
“Almost 20% of teachers say that the conditions for accessing the network are bad and 43% say they are just reasonable”, said the secretary general of the FNE.
There are also problems related to the organisation of working hours, with teachers complaining that they have classes at different levels of education and 27.4% of teachers with more than 90 students assigned to them.