In a statement, Algar said that the project, which started in the fourth quarter of this year, covers certain areas in the municipalities of Faro (Quinta do Eucalipto and Gambelas), Loulé (Santa Catarina and Goncinha) and Lagos (Montinhos da Luz), covering a total of about 1,500 homes.
"For this purpose, three containers are being distributed per dwelling, with lids of different colours, which families must place at the door of their house, so that the waste is collected on specific days", the note reads.
According to the company responsible for the treatment and recovery of waste in the 16 municipalities of the Algarve, the RECICLA+ project is aimed at collecting the domestic flow of paper and cardboard, plastic and metal and glass packaging.
In places where containers are being distributed door-to-door, community recycling points will no longer be available, which will be relocated in the municipality, in locations previously agreed between the municipalities and Algar.
The project began in “areas mainly composed of single-family houses”, adds the company, noting that the initiative includes information, awareness and distribution of recycling containers.
The waste must be placed directly in the containers, without bags, and if incorrectly placed waste is detected, “their collection will not be carried out and the citizen will be informed of the respective reason, through a sticker stuck on the container”, says Algar.
"Each container is associated with accommodation, through the numbering of the equipment, which in the future will allow measuring the amount of selective waste produced and, eventually, may translate into savings on the bill, rewarding to those who best manage their waste".
Stupidity, ugly rubbish bins full of rubbish waiting to be picked up were big stray dogs can tip over, and attract rats like they do in the uk. Plus much more costly to pick up going from door to door.
By KARL BLORE from Algarve on 27 Dec 2021, 23:16
Madness, losing the flexibility to recycle when you want is a real step back. If non recyclable waste containers are left on the street, I can guess where the recycling will go. Dogs and rats not the only problem, strong winds blowing the bins over, have people got somewhere to store them or will they get left on the street?
By Steve from Algarve on 28 Dec 2021, 10:14
I am part of a test area, and can say that it is working well, the communal bins are cleaner and less full for those not using the door step collection, there is no trash or food waste attracting strays, the bins provided are sturdy, large and easy to use, they are emptied on specific days and then taken back in by the many diligent householders who are using them.
By Mark Alexander Brown from Algarve on 28 Dec 2021, 22:57
Madness we get more like The UK every day. Is it became expat don't like going to the local bins provided. ???????
By J from Lisbon on 29 Dec 2021, 10:19
Many local bins are filthy and not emptied. The trash is pouring out and left on the street. Garbage collection really needs to be taken more seriously and recycling should be part of civic education (which is so lacking in Portugal).
By K from Algarve on 29 Dec 2021, 20:58
The current system is much better, there's really no call for every household to have individual rubbish and recycle bins requiring collection. Massive increased cost, and still doesn't encourage those not recycling to put their waste into the separate bins. I guess it makes them more visible and you can attribute blame but surely there's a more economical way to achieve that.
By Scott from Algarve on 30 Dec 2021, 12:56