In her speech at the beginning of a hearing within the scope of the discussion in the specialty of the State Budget for 2022 (OE2022) Ana Catarina Mendes said that more than 30% of the refugees who came from Ukraine are children.
She added that more than 35,000 Ukrainian refugees already have a social security number and that 32,000 already have a tax number.
In the minister's opinion, the numbers show that the country's response was “prompt, swift, and in partnership with all state institutions”.
this is how some EU countries resolve their low birth rates and worker deficit problems ,all while waving flags and crying over their unfortunate destinies..nicely done hypocrites
By doordie from Lisbon on 10 May 2022, 14:18
Doordie from Lisbon: you´re absolutely right, lol (i´m European and I agree w/you)
By guida from Lisbon on 11 May 2022, 05:20