Loot boxes are "mystery boxes or packages" of digital content created by the video game industry that consumers purchase with real money. The contents of these loot boxes are random and offer players advantages to their performance in the video game. Consumers don’t know the digital content of these boxes or packages when they pay for them.
The Report denounces the problems raised by loot boxes which seriously damage the rights and interests of consumers, especially the most vulnerable, either through predatory mechanisms or by promoting gambling addiction, always aiming at making a profit.
The video game industry, through aggressive marketing techniques, manipulates the behaviours of consumers, including minors, making them spending large amounts of money.
Regulation: A real need
The video game industry is one of the largest entertainment industries in the world, even more lucrative than film or music. Worldwide, more than 2.8 billion consumers often play video games, including children and teenagers. Over the last two decades, purchases of additional digital content have become a major source of revenue for the industry, representing more than €13.5 billion.
Furthermore, DECO with 20 consumer rights organisations is calling on national and EU authorities to develop investigations and regulatory interventions into the video games market. “We call for strict measures, including a ban on misleading design, specific protection for minors and commercial transparency. National and European authorities and industry should ensure a safe and transparent environment for players”, DECO said.