Storm Beatrice landed in Portugal at dawn this Saturday, October 22 and the effects are already being felt across the country. The depression will remain on Portuguese soil until at least Sunday, October 23, with “sometimes strong and persistent rainfall, which may be accompanied by thunderstorms, and strong winds on the coast and highlands”.
But the rainy weather is set to continue. According to forecasts from the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), the week of October 24th to 30th will also be marked by “rainfall levels well above normal”.
Beatrice was the name coined by the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) to describe the depression “centred at 46°N and 18°W today, October 22, 2022, at 00:00” which, in its circulation, carries “a tropical air mass, with high moisture content”, informs the IPMA, in a statement shared by Notícias ao Minuto.
Next week should maintain the trend of the last few days, with “rainfall well above normal”, with “values above 60 mm in most of the North and Center regions, in particular in Minho and Douro Litoral, where it could be up to 150 mm”. The South region will be less affected, with weekly values between 20 mm and 50 mm.
The same note also indicates that the maximum temperature will be between 20 °C and 25 °C in most of the country, while the minimum temperature values will be in the order of 11 °C and 17 °C.