Dolphins are known to
show signs of curiosity and intelligence, but their sensitive behaviour
continues to surprise researchers. A sighting in the Algarve, in 2021, during a
field survey by AIMM - Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho,
indicates that these mammals are also able to exhibit behaviour associated with
the mourning process when loved ones die.
According to a new scientific article and cited by CNN Portugal, a group of 50 or 60 bottlenose dolphins were
along the coast of Albufeira when researchers noticed that one of the adults
showed signs of tension and seemed to be left behind. The researchers found
that It was a female interacting with a dead calf, carrying the inanimate body
with her head and propelling it several times to the surface.
Subsequent investigation of photographs allowed them to identify the calf as being a male about three weeks old and the female as the probable parent, based on abdominal distension that showed a recent delivery. The corpse was not yet in the process of decomposition, but it had some marks that were probably caused by the mother when transporting it. The researchers refer to having observed this phenomenon for about an hour and conjecture that it continued even after the team left.
A group of dolphins
stayed close by, although they did not interact with the calf. According to the
report resulting from the observation, the group appeared "calm" -
despite the successive interactions of the mother, who repeatedly swam in the
direction of several members before returning to the small male, as if in an
attempt to capture the attention of the others.
The ability to
experience complex emotions - in particular mourning, which requires an
understanding of the finitude of death - is generally associated with Humanity
and is still "controversial" when applied to non-rational animals, as
the scientific article recognises. Still, this type of behaviour "has been
particularly associated with intelligent animals such as cetaceans", and
the pattern exhibited by the female is "consistent with typical reactions
associated with grief in humans" and even other mammals.
Successive attempts to
propel the tiny dolphin to the surface could represent an "effort to
stimulate it, for the purpose of resuscitation".
The circumstances of
death are uncertain, but it is the mother's behaviour that makes this moment so
special, the researchers emphasise.
"Although it was a rather sad sighting, it is a behaviour that demonstrates these animals' capacity for feeling", writes AIMM, in a note sent to CNN Portugal. "And for us, colleagues in our area, it is very important to deepen our knowledge about this behaviour."
I find it appalling that in the 21rst century scientists STILL need “proof” of other animals (that´s right, people, we´re just “another” animal) having complexity in their hearts and their brains. “Non rational animals”? For real, LOL? Those that cannot digest the fact that us Humans beings aren´t in the top best when it comes to Emotion, Ethics, Intelligence compared with non Human species, -ARE themselves A PROOF OF HUMAN STUPIDITY and its consequent flawed, “Ethnocentric” reasoning. Maybe read a book, (1995 book, people!!) “When Elephants weep”, by Jeffrey Masson and Susan McCarthy. We come from Nature, and no matter how many brain/heart dead Scientists (pseudo, because they can´t be bothered to do their “homework”) harp on otherwise – nothing can change that. Are Humans the RATIONAL animals, for real?? LOL Ridiculous. How other animals must look at you once they see your utter stupidity and arrogance. Good thing they also have sense of humour.
By guida from Lisbon on 08 Dec 2022, 06:52