About 500 people of about 40 different nationalities are expected. Several community leaders and representatives, as well as national and municipal leaders have been invited to commemorate this historic occasion.
Riverside Cascais is a multicultural, non-denominational Christian church officially founded in 1998 by Dr. Eddie J. Fernandes and his wife, Marta, and a core group of pioneers from the USA, Holland, the UK, South Africa, and Portugal. The first steps were taken as a small house church in the summer of 1996 and over the years the church multiplied in numbers and in rich cultural diversity. The Riverside Federation also grew to include churches in Porto, Coimbra, Lisbon and Albufeira. The key to the steady growth is attributed to a founding principle: in the essential unity, in non-essentials diversity, in all thing’s charity.
The entrance to the celebration is free, however, the leaders request confirmation to ensure all will have a seat as they celebrate how a church of foreigners and nationals has profoundly impacted Portugal and the world by their love and good deeds.
The weekly celebrations of this community take place in an auditorium, purchased and refurbished by the church, on Sunday’s at Galerias O Navegador in the town of Cascais with the first service beginning at 09h00 and the second at 11h00. During the week people gather in 33 Lifegroups from house-to-house in Oeiras, Sintra and Cascais.