Deco has been monitoring 41 of the 46 foods covered by zero VAT — including turkey, chicken, horse mackerel, hake, onion, potato, carrot, banana, apple, orange, rice, spaghetti, sugar, milk, cheese and butter — which, since April 18, are now exempt from VAT, following the tripartite agreement between the Government, distribution and production.

If on May 15, the zero VAT basket monitored by Deco cost 129.19 euros, this week it cost 128.64 euros. This is a reduction of 55 cents (0.43%). However, if we look at the impact of the zero VAT measure, the reduction was more significant: since its entry into force, the basket has become 10.13 euros cheaper, which translates into a drop of 7.3%.

What has risen most in price this week?

During the last week, tuna in vegetable oil was the product that most rose in price, registering an increase of 10% (another 14 cents). This is followed by spiral pasta (9%), curly lettuce (8%), gala apples, carolino rice, broccoli (the three products with price increases of around 5%), crustless bread (4%), turkey steak (3%), imported bananas and packed sliced cheese (both 2%).

At the same time, Deco also monitors the usual basket of essential goods, which includes 63 products and which includes some products also covered by zero VAT. And, contrary to what happened in the zero VAT basket, in the last week this basket of food goods became more expensive, after having decreased in price the week before.