Jenny and João were both thrilled at the opportunity. The whole idea sprung from the fertile imagination of Sid Richardson, the founder of Animal Rescue Algarve. After a couple of visits by Jenny and colleague Anita, they had talked around in circles, the problem of being an animal owner. Especially, an owner of abandoned animals.

“The problem is, at the outset, people don’t think there is a problem.” Sid is honest. “I came up with the idea some time ago. But the shelter ‘Cabanita’ had taken up more time and effort, than originally anticipated. Planning, drawing up everything.” Sid is almost lost for words. “Finally, Jenny and Anita were visiting us at the shelter, when the topic was raised.” Indeed. A serious problem. Especially on the Algarve, where people come to retire, happily, in a wonderful setting to face the question. “What happens when I get ill? Or for that matter die?”. The human side is looked after, with wills and neatly placed for the right time. “But what about the pet(s)?” Ah. Yes. That question. The furry felines and canines, and maybe other kinds. Nevertheless, a wicked side to the fairy tale retirement.

“Finally, my original thought about arranging for a ‘Guardian’ to take up the challenge of pets when ill, or death came to fruition.” Both Jenny and Anita were willing to become guinea pigs. “A test run, of the legal side of things, logistics everything.” Jenny has realised the dream, by making it happen. So, with the word being spread via the press, and membership. Jenny and João representing the two sides of the coin. The pet person who needs a plan. The answer a man who has the plan!

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

Kiss were only too pleased to help. Sid, Jenny, Anita and João, are highly delighted. The ARA team are made up of volunteers, some are students working with paid staff, to train and teach the newcomers with animals, who need special treatment. “Some are not only emotionally harmed, by being abandoned, but are also tragically physically damaged as well. Cruelty at its worst.” João should know he has several abandoned dogs some of which are amputees. His loyalty to animals is unswerving. Passion to give and understand, APAA’s motto, ‘Here to Help’. Means, just that. Jenny is happy that her legacy for her pets has been well and truly defined. As is Anita with her special seven. “If everyone plays their part everyone is a winner!” How right you are!

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