On 28 July, young people will participate in an environmental action to mark World Nature Conservation Day, in which about 400 young people will pick up cigarette butts in the streets of the city.

According to the municipality, these actions will end with a meeting on the stage of Faro, at the end of the morning, to raise awareness of environmental issues.

Regarding this worldwide event, the Mayor of Faro, quoted in the note, stressed the need for young people to get involved in "caring for the common home", challenging all participants to have gestures that demonstrate this concern.

In addition to Faro, the municipalities of Loulé, Portimão and Tavira will receive young pilgrims until Sunday under the initiative, promoted by the Diocesan Organising Committee, which has the support of the municipalities, involved in the four Algarve cities, in all, 60 countries, two cardinals, a bishop, 140 priests and 70 consecrated persons.

Considered the biggest event of the Catholic Church, WYD will be held this year in Lisbon, between August 1 and 6, with the presence of Pope Francis, and more than one million people are expected.

The main ceremonies will take place in Parque Tejo, north of Parque das Nações, on the riverside of the Tagus, on land owned by the municipalities of Lisbon and Loures, and in Parque Eduardo VII, in the center of the capital.