The event was funded with generous support from Buy Portugal and through local quiz events held throughout the year at Status Bar, São Martinho do Porto, organised by Colin Scarisbrick and Stan Gainsford.

This, the sixth year of the event, culminated in the children, aged between 4 and 18 years, canoeing from the clubhouse at Nadadouro to Bom Sucesso, helping to develop confidence on the water and teamwork skills as well as having a fun-filled two-hour water experience.

Following the waterborne skills the children were supplied with refreshments, again supplied by the two organisers.

After refreshments, the children were offered the opportunity to try out equipment from the local GNR community group who were also available to answer questions and reach out to the children.

This event is among many others that have been supported by the quiz teams, Buy Portugal and the two organisers, Colin and Stan.

Past events have included the purchase of canoes for sea scouts and a defibrillator for the bombeiros at São Martinho do Porto, along with many other local good causes which have been supported over the past 11 years, all of which showcase a generosity and willingness to support the local communities.