In an interview with TVI's 'Esta Manhã' program he said: "We have to have a different policy and this is up to the Instituto Português do Sangue. There has to be another strategy when it comes to blood collection. We know that there are many points in the country that are not covered by blood collection", for example, in the Algarve.

"In the Algarve - a region that has a lot of people at this time of year - it is very difficult for people to donate blood. Now there is a blood collection in Lagoa, at Fatacil, but we know that from Vila Real de Santo António to Lagoa are dozens and dozens of kilometres between collection points", he stressed, adding that "one of the great failures of the Portuguese Blood Institute "is not going to meet people".

To find out where you can donate blood click here.

Related article: Tackling the challenge of blood donation