In 2005, American cardiologist Dr. David A. Sabgir started the “Walk with a Doc” project. This initiative’s main goal is to promote physical activity and improve the community’s healthcare literacy through the organising of monthly walks, preceded by a talk/seminar themed around a health topic, presented by a healthcare professional.

During the walk itself, the various patients and residents of the town are invited to get to know the doctor or doctors accompanying them, being able to fraternise with them outside of the professional context of a clinic, where they may feel intimidated or closed off. This project, a pioneer in the Algarve, will allow the municipality’s population to get closer not only to the doctors but to the team that makes up USF Algar de Lagoa.

By promoting physical activity, they contribute to the development of healthy routines, fighting sedentarism and bringing gains to the health of the general population.

The collaboration with Lagoa council “isn’t only a necessity but also very well received due to the vast experience it brings in developing and managing events of this nature, as well as through the magnitude and spread of the project in question,” according to USF Algar de Lagoa. At the same time, the healthcare establishment believes the project is a necessary platform for the beginning of a cooperative relationship that will improve the health of Lagoa municipality’s residents.

“Walk with a Doc” walks will happen on September 10th, October 1st and 22nd, and November 12th. Each day, the walk will start at 9:30am at the meeting point at the Jacinto Correia Municipal Sports Pavilion in Lagoa.

This initiative is destined for the entire population and can be accessed through sign-up at or in person at the municipal sports services and the Lagoa Health Centre.