At a press conference, BE coordinator Mariana Mortágua stated that data revealed by INE indicate that “if nothing is done there will be an increase in income of around 7% in 2024”.

“Despite the Government knowing that this number would come out and that inflation figures had been pointing to a huge increase in 2024 for months, the Government did nothing”, she criticised.

The BE deputy accused the executive of witnessing “the anxiety of a part of the population that already pays very high rents and does not know what will happen in 2024”.

“The Government is not capable of doing the basics, guaranteeing that it will limit the increase in rents next year when renewing contracts and new contracts”, she lamented.

For this reason, BE will deliver a bill to parliament that limits the increase in rents “to what it was before the outbreak of inflation” (in 2022 rents could only rise by 0.43%).

“We cannot put people in Portugal through the anxiety of not knowing what will happen to their home’s rent,” she said, adding that this diploma will place limits not only on renewals but also on new contracts that come into force in 2024.

At the end of August, the PCP also announced that it would present a bill to limit the increase in rents to 0.43%, both for current contracts and for those that may be renewed or concluded with other tenants.