In a statement, the National Maritime Authority states that forecasts point to “a considerable worsening of weather conditions and maritime agitation on the western coast of mainland Portugal from 00:00 on October 19th, and until 12:00 on Friday, 20th of October”.

The sea agitation “will be characterised by a swell coming from the northwest quadrant, with a significant height that could reach six meters and a maximum height of 11 meters, with an average period varying between 10 and 12 seconds”.

Winds are also expected from the northwest quadrant, with an average intensity of up to 90 kilometers/hour and gusts of up to 170 kilometers/hour.

In this way, the authorities alert the entire maritime community and the population in general to take care both when preparing to go to sea and when they are at sea or in coastal areas, from strengthening moorings to close surveillance of moored vessels. and anchored.

It is also requested that walks near the sea or in areas exposed to sea disturbances be avoided, such as the protective jetties of ports, cliffs or beaches.

The Maritime Authority also calls for recreational fishing not to be practiced, especially near cliffs and cliff areas, “often affected by breaking waves, always bearing in mind that in these conditions the sea can easily reach apparently safe areas”.

The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) also today recommended that citizens avoid unnecessary travel on Thursday due to the forecast of rain and strong wind, as a result of the passage of depression Aline across the continent.

At a press conference, the second commander of ANEPC, Miguel Cruz, said that SMS warnings would be sent to the population about the worsening of the weather from today onwards, but especially on Thursday.

According to Miguel Cruz, the readiness level of the Civil Protection device will increase from yellow to orange from 00:00 on Thursday.

Civil Protection warned that today, the rain is expected to begin in the north and center and that on Thursday it will spread to the entire continental territory.

Due to the forecast of strong rain and wind, the IPMA issued an orange warning (the second most serious on a scale of three) for the 18 districts of the continent.