Citing data from the survey of the general population, promoted by the Intervention Service in Addictive Behaviors and Dependencies (SICAD), Joana Teixeira told Lusa agency that the prevalence of alcohol dependence increased from 3% in 2012 to 4.2% in 2022.

Despite this increase of almost 50%, demand for services has remained “relatively stable in recent years”, which indicates that “it is not being properly monitored by signalling [of cases] and due referral to structures”, said the psychiatrist.

For Joana Teixeira, there must be simultaneously a reinforcement of treatment structures, “which have not been adequately resourced in recent years”, and “a greater capacity for intervention when the disease is effectively established”.

“We have to detect these patients and treat them”, to avoid an increase in diseases attributable to alcohol, such as liver cirrhosis and some neoplastic diseases.