Speaking in the debate on the generality of the State Budget for next year, Fernando Medina stated that “17,500 homes are contracted” that will be affordable, of which “2,900 are already completed, 10 thousand are already under construction and 4,500 are in design or in competition phase”.

Responding to questions from parties, the Minister of Finance considered that the creation of a “public initiative park capable of ensuring affordable rents” represents a “profound structural change in the housing market” in Portugal and will have a “lasting, profound impact on the reality to access to housing”.

Still with regard to housing, Medina said that the measures aimed at families with housing loans - which will “allow instalments to be reduced for all families and stabilise them for a period of two years” - will come into force “at the beginning of November month".

Regarding rents, the minister said that “the extension of support amounts was determined to compensate for the increase in rents, and its scope was expanded to specific professions with a deficit in accommodation capacity in specific areas of the country”.