Councilor Nelson Oliveira explained to Lusa today that the housing complex, called “Hans Isler”, a name given in honor of a Swiss businessman who invested in the Porto district council, will be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and will be located on municipal land, next to the GNR station.

The suspension of the PDM points, according to the publication in Diário da República, to the establishment of preventive measures, covering an area of ​​around 2,000 square meters, in the Union of Parishes of Silvares, Pias, Nogueira and Alvarenga.

The complex will have two housing blocks, with an interior square dedicated to the confluence of spaces and with a strong component of environmental sustainability, both in terms of the exterior tree arrangement, but also in the use of materials perfectly suited to this context”, reads the description from the project.

The councilor told Lusa that he hoped that the public tender could move forward in the coming months, but acknowledged that he was apprehensive about the fact that recent developments in national politics (resignation of the prime minister) could delay the procedure.

“The work is not at stake, but the temporal development of it”, he noted.

Regarding the project, the mayor pointed out that, "despite being an affordable rental, there is an interesting quality here, in the type of materials and construction, to create something beautiful, dignified and that can be beneficial for people”.

In May, the Minister of Housing, Marina Gonçalves, was in Lousada, where she learned about that project and highlighted the work of the local authority in the area of ​​housing.

“There is [in Lousada] a lot of insistence and great desire on the part of those responsible for local authorities so that problems and projects can be quickly concluded,” said the official.

Nelson Oliveira added today that other procedures are underway to provide affordable housing, particularly in some parishes, through smaller complexes, such as the one planned for Vilar de Torno and Alentem, on municipal land, with six to seven dwellings, which should start soon in competitive terms.

Other identical procedures, he added, are being prepared, at this stage, for Boim, Sousela and Nevogilde, possibly followed by Meinedo, Macieira and Torno.