It’s nearly sold out! The English language amateur theatre group are back again to entertain you. Be prepared for Cinderella to woo you with her charming ways, the Ugly Sisters to outrage you with their ghastly frocks and hideous behavior, and the Wicked Stepmother to amaze you with her dastardly scheming.

And yes, you SHALL go to the Ball! There, Prince Charming will be dazzled by a mysterious beauty who will drop her slipper, and run off into the night. The ensuing search for its owner is a real cliffhanger! Who will it fit? Oh no it’s not! Oh yes it is! Don’t forget YOUR part in it!

Children attending are encouraged to dress up as Princes and Princesses. And after the Sunday Matinée, there will a photo opportunity with the principal actors.

Director Tracey Christiansen brings you this magical pantomime featuring Great Songs, Dazzling Dance Routines, Stunning Scenery, Lavish Costumes and Dubious Double Entendres - something for everyone, wink wink! Together with musical director Shirley Devlin and dance director Shelly Dança, Tracey and her cast and crew will ensure that the show is as entertaining and professional as can be.

Cinderella, performed in English, is playing at the Carlos de Carmo Auditorium in Lagoa November 17 and 18 (at 7.45 pm) and 18 and 19 (at 2 pm). Tickets (12€) are available online at or in person at Auditório Carlos do Carmo, Convento de S. José and Balcao Único, all in Lagoa. Tickets also from Worten and FNAC outlets.