The plan was presented at a ceremony that marked the 156th anniversary of the Lisbon Metropolitan Command (Cometlis) of the Public Security Police, however, there is no confirmed date for the start of this plan, the new policing model, foreseen in the Urban Security Strategy (EISU), recently approved by the government.

“Cometis will soon begin implementing the prevention and visibility plan. A plan for a safe metropolitan area”, said the commander of Cometis, Fiães Fernandes, also stressing that this is an “open, flexible and adaptable plan under review in order to guarantee the mobilisation of resources and the use of police tactics that are better suited to neutralise the causes that generate crime and danger”.

At the end of the ceremony, the Minister of Internal Administration explained to journalists that the prevention and visibility plan, which will also be developed in Porto, is one of the measures foreseen in the EISU and its main objective is to “guarantee greater visibility when patrolling and prepositioning” of police resources.

José Luís Carneiro stated that this plan “means more police on the streets in places with threats and risks to people’s safety”.

The government official did not say which locations in the Lisbon metropolitan will have a more increased police presence, however, they will soon be announced by the PSP.

The plan also includes the creation of “citizen police stations”, which will function as places of assistance where crimes such as theft can be reported, a pilot project currently being planned in Lisbon and Amadora.

The minister claimed that these police stations will “free up human resources” to allow them to be closer to the population.

The PSP source told Lusa that in Lisbon the first citizens’ police station will be created in Rato.

When asked whether or not this new plan for the Lisbon Metropolitan area will lead to the closure of the current police stations, the minister replied that “to not create a feeling of insecurity, that possibility does not need to be discussed”.

“A model will be developed that involves the creation of citizen police stations” he maintained, adding that locations with fixed police stations, “in some cases for security reasons, may eventually be converted into this new type of station”.

According to the minister, the new model will be evaluated by mayors as well and if “it is good for the population”, it will be developed and replicated in other locations in the Metropolitan area of Lisbon and also in Porto.

With regards to the date of the implementation of the plan, the minister said that the initial goal was by the end of the year, but currently the country “is faced with a political situation different from that which existed a month ago”.

“It is also necessary to be aware that the decisions create limitations for whoever may have responsibilities in this area of internal administration in the future, this solution has to be highly aware to ensure that it can have continuity and take root as a good solution for the lives of local communities”, said José Luís Carneiro, who is a candidate for the PS leadership in the internal elections.