According to data from the Tax and Customs Authority (AT), 4,082,440 IMI payments were issued this year, 916,359 of which were worth up to 100 euros. That universe includes 2,486,548 with tax values ​​between 100 and 500 euros and 679,533 above 500 euros.

For some years now, taxpayers have been able to pay the entire IMI in May when its value exceeds 100 or 500 euros – situations in which payment can be made twice, in May and November, or in three months, in May, August and November, respectively.

According to the same official information, this year there were 556,011 taxpayers who made the advance payment of IMI for 2022, that is, who used the reference included in the May settlement note to pay the tax in full.

IMI rates are set annually by municipalities between a minimum value of 0.3% and a maximum of 0.45%, with increased rates being foreseen for vacant or dilapidated properties.

The IMI is calculated based on the tax asset value (VPT) shown in the matrices on December 31st of the year to which the tax relates.

According to budget execution data, until September property owners paid 1,268.4 million euros in IMI, a value 1.9% lower than that recorded in the same month last year.

Related article: Property tax deadline