Quoted by the Lusa agency, the president of the municipality, Carlos Carreiras (PSD), highlighted “the consistency” that the municipal budget “presents concerning what has been done in recent years”.

“Still, we have substantially increased social support, also as a result of the situation we are experiencing and the need to reinforce them”, pointed out the mayor, adding that it has also been possible to “lower the tax burden on citizens, through the mechanisms that a city council can carry out.”

In this sense, the municipality reduced taxes “through a package of tax incentives, which is the way to overcome the limitations that the system, namely Finance, has” to be able to make “another type of differentiation”, explained Carreiras.

In the municipal tax package, the president of the municipality proposes maintaining the IMI rate at 0.34%, referring to 2023 to be charged in 2024, and continuing with the fixed deduction from the calculated value of IMI to be paid, of 30 euros for a dependent charge, 70 euros for two or 140 euros for three or more.

The proposal foresees increasing the IMI rate applicable to degraded urban buildings by 30% and exempting from the tax “buildings or parts of urban residential buildings built, expanded, improved or acquired for consideration, intended for personal and permanent housing” by the owner or household, “whose total gross household income, in the previous year, does not exceed 153,300 euros”.

The exemption will be automatic upon acquisition or recognized by the head of the Finance service for the building area, in a documented application, and urban buildings subject to urban rehabilitation are also exempt, “for a period of three years counting from the year, inclusive, of issuance of the respective municipal license”.