According to ECO, with just under a year to go before the next European elections, 52% of Portuguese citizens are interested in participating and in the result of the vote to choose the next configuration of the European Parliament (EP), according to Eurobarometer.

According to the statistical collection carried out, there was a 9% increase in the number of Portuguese interested in the European elections, compared to the Eurobarometer in March this year. Still, 47% of respondents are not at all interested in the elections taking place between June 6th and 9th in the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU).

At the EU level, 57% of citizens surveyed are interested in the European elections and 43% do not want to know about these elections.

Of the national citizens surveyed, 62% of the population between 15 and 24 years old are not interested in the EP elections, as opposed to the age group between 25 and 39 years old, in which 58% want to participate and know the results of the elections. Europeans. The percentages are similar for citizens surveyed between 40 and 54 years old and over (54% are interested).

Looking at the political spectrum, 61% and 60% of center and right-wing voters, respectively, are interested in the elections, and 55% of the left-wing electorate in Portugal are interested in the only simultaneous vote in all EU countries.

If the elections were to take place within a week, in Portugal, 57% of people questioned admitted that they would vote, 15% would consider it and 23% would not do so at all. Only 5% of respondents chose not to respond.

In this parameter, the discrepancy for the European percentage is greater, with 68% of respondents admitting to voting if the elections were next week, 14% would consider it and 16% would put that hypothesis aside.

In Portugal, the age groups between 25 and 39 years old and over 55 are those who would admit to voting within a week if they could. However, the number of Portuguese people who want to vote with the aim of supporting a political party increased by 9 percentage points (43%), 34% believe that it is their role as European citizens and are in the habit of voting in all elections.

This Eurobarometer was carried out between 28 September and 15 October in Portugal and 1,030 Portuguese citizens were interviewed in person (out of a total of 26,523 Europeans), aged over 15 years. The number of Portuguese people chosen to participate in the survey was based on the population size of each Member State.