As we approach the end of 2023, it is an opportune time to reflect on the journey we have embarked upon and prepare ourselves for the new year of 2024. The past year has been filled with profound shifts, awakening, and transformation. Now, as we stand on the threshold of a new era, it is essential to embrace the power within us and navigate this transition with intention, empowerment, and purpose.

It can be a beautiful daily practice to remind ourselves, that each one of us holds a unique puzzle piece of the united field of our oneness consciousness. We are then reminded that we matter, and our puzzle piece is deeply requested for transformation and awakening of our beautiful planet. It is time to claim that part of ourselves and show up in our true essence. As we step into the New Year, let us explore how we can beneficially end 2023 and embrace 2024 in the best way possible.

First and foremost, it is vital to prioritize our healing. The past year has brought forth immense growth and inner shifts, and now is the time to integrate and heal any wounds or traumas that may still linger within us. Engaging in practices such as meditation, energy healing, therapy, or journaling can facilitate this healing process. By releasing what no longer serves us, we create space for new beginnings and higher vibrations.

Additionally, remembrance plays a significant role in our journey. As we awaken to our true essence, it is crucial to start remembering who we truly are – divine beings of love and light. Connecting with our inner wisdom and higher self through practices like mindfulness, self-reflection, and spiritual study can help us access this remembrance. By anchoring ourselves in our personal truth, we can navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the New Year with confidence and clarity.

Completing unfinished business is another essential aspect of ending the year on a positive note. Take time to reflect on any unresolved issues, relationships, or goals that require closure. This may involve having difficult conversations, forgiving ourselves or others, or letting go of attachments. By tying up loose ends, we create a clean slate for the New Year, allowing us to move forward with a sense of freedom and liberation.

Activating our potential and embracing personal gifts, is a potent way to enter 2024 in the best way possible. The awakening process is not static; it is a continuous journey of expansion and growth. Explore practices and modalities that resonate with you, such as energy work, affirmations, or creative expression, to activate your unique gifts and talents. Embrace the upgrades that comes with this awakening, whether they manifest as heightened intuition, increased sensitivity, or a deeper connection to the divine and your highest potential life experience.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Mia Kafkios;

As we approach the New Year, it is crucial to cultivate virtues that align with a higher consciousness many times called “The Christ Consciousness”. Purity, patience, kindness, generosity, diligence, discipline, and humility are qualities that can guide us on our path. By embodying these virtues, we create a harmonious and loving environment within ourselves and in our interactions with others. This sets the foundation for a year filled with compassion, understanding, and unity.

To complete this year in the highest vibration, I invite you to light some candles, take your favourite cup of tea and do this simple but powerful contemplation practise below.

Contemplation Practice:

To further enhance your journey of ending 2023 and entering 2024 with empowerment and purpose, take some time for contemplation. Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Settle into a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths, and allow yourself to relax.

Contemplate the following questions:

1. What are the most significant lessons I learned in 2023? How can I integrate these lessons into my life moving forward?

2. What areas of my life require healing and transformation? How can I prioritize my healing in the coming year?

3. What unfinished business or unresolved issues do I need to address before the year ends? How can I bring closure to these matters?

4. What unique gifts and talents do I possess? How can I activate and share them with the world in 2024?

5. How can I embody the virtues of purity, patience, kindness, generosity, diligence, discipline, and humility in my daily life?

6. What intentions and goals do I want to set for the New Year? How can I align them with my purpose and the greater awakening of our planet?

Take your time with these questions, allowing your inner wisdom to guide you. Write down any insights or reflections that arise during this contemplation practice. These insights will serve as a roadmap for your journey into the new year, empowering you to make conscious choices and embrace your unique role in the collective awakening.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Mia Kafkios;

In conclusion, ending 2023 and entering 2024 in the best way possible requires a conscious and intentional approach. By prioritizing healing, remembering our true essence, completing unfinished business, activating our potential, embodying virtues, and engaging in contemplation, we can navigate this transition with empowerment and purpose. Let us embrace the power within us and step into the new year with open hearts, open minds, and a deep sense of connection to ourselves and the world around us. Together, we can create a transformative and uplifting year ahead.


Mia Kafkios has been a coach and energy therapist for over 28 years and has been educating therapists, healers and spiritual coaches for over 10 years. She is a worldwide speaker, presenting at workshops, congresses and retreats, assisting souls to grow into their true essence and enjoy a life full of purpose.

Mia Kafkios