We are accustomed to considering business and social responsibility separately. However, for the past year and a half, a full-scale war has been ongoing, and these concepts are becoming increasingly intertwined. More and more companies are demonstrating their willingness to contribute a portion of their profits and resources to society. An increasing number of people prefer companies that actively support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Being socially responsible now is a path to a successful future.

What is social investing?

Social investing is when a company allocates a portion of funds, resources, and time to address or improve a social issue. Typically, each entity chooses its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) direction that aligns with the company's activities or reflects the values of the team or founder. Choosing a direction isn't difficult; conducting market research, identifying a social issue, and determining how you can address it is often enough. According to Ruslan Tymofieiev, one of the advantages of responsible business is also that it attracts the attention of the younger generation of workers who want to be part of something more than just a paycheck. Therefore, investors and companies investing resources in social projects will easily find success in the labor market.

What can be the directions of social investment?

Aid to the military and people affected by the war. Purchase of equipment and tactical gear for the military, provision of humanitarian aid for residents of frontline cities.

Environmental initiatives. Aimed at conserving natural resources, fighting climate change, energy efficiency, etc.

Education and development initiatives. Aimed at improving educational opportunities and the development of educational institutions. Healthcare. Investments to improve access to quality medical care, combat diseases, and support hospitals and healthcare facilities. Technological development. The creation of technologies that provide social impact, such as technologies enabling access to education or healthcare for remote regions.

There are many such directions overall; you can either assist existing organizations or implement your own initiatives. The main thing is to remain socially responsible to society and set an example for other businesses through your activities.

Ruslan Tymofieiev on his own CSR project - CLUST SPACE, an innovative smart shelter

For ourselves, we have chosen the direction of implementing modern security solutions in higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Why this particular direction? At the core of our values has always been the question of education, and as a venture builder, we develop EdTech businesses. However, during the period of war, we felt a responsibility to make our contribution to the continuous educational process. Initially, we analyzed the current issues in Ukrainian higher education institutions and understood that the question of shelters to support the safe learning process for students is very acute. Therefore, we changed our strategy and decided to reorganize bomb shelters located on university campuses, transforming them into secure educational hubs. This led to the emergence of the idea to create the smart shelter CLUST SPACE.

Currently, we are already implementing the first innovative shelter, CLUST SPACE, in collaboration with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI) and the design studio Peker&Partners, involving students from the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUBA). We are in the preparation stage for construction work.

We are confident that the combination of innovative solutions and partnerships with universities will create a space where knowledge and safety converge, fostering the development of education and society as a whole. It will become a secure place for the education of future IT specialists in Ukraine. CLUST Space can also become a platform for communication with students, where Ukrainian IT companies can conduct career guidance events and build loyalty among future professionals.

What are the benefits of social projects?

Social responsibility benefits not only society or the environment but also the business engaged in it. Any activity focused on the social component in the future can bring a company an inexhaustible share of loyalty and dedicated employees. Let's delve into the advantages of socially responsible business in more detail:

  • Firstly, it's enhancing reputation. Involvement in social projects contributes to a more positive perception of the company by consumers, clients, and employees.

  • Building customer loyalty. Typically, people support brands or companies that actively address social issues or contribute to sustainable development.

  • Attracting talented employees. Successful social initiatives become a magnet for talented workers who want to be part of an organization with significant social impact.

  • Improving the business ecosystem. Involvement in social projects facilitates collaboration with other enterprises and government organizations, contributing to the enhancement of the business ecosystem.

  • Increasing visibility. Some social initiatives gain significant publicity, bringing additional recognition to the company.

So, as we see, social projects have the potential to catalyze positive changes in society and can bring benefits not only to the environment but also to businesses. In the modern world, customers are not just looking to fulfill a specific need; they want to know the company behind it and what values it shares. One of these shared values becomes social projects.

Businesses have access to significant resources, so they can be drivers of positive change, contributing to sustainable development, social justice, and environmental conservation. Thus, social projects are not only acts of 'charity' but also investments in the future that will yield benefits for both business and society as a whole.