In a note published on the Presidency's official website, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa explains that the diploma limits simplifications in the area of urban planning to those that have “direct repercussions on the promotion of more housing, a matter of great priority”.

On August 21, the President had already promulgated the Government decree that reforms and simplifies licensing related to housing, warning, however, that he will be attentive to “compatibility” with the safety and quality of buildings.

At the same time, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said he hoped the Government would consider “bringing together in a single diploma all the scattered legislation (huge and, in some cases, contradictory)”, even suggesting something that “points to a Building Code”.

In the message published today, the President states that he is awaiting “the announced future Construction Code”, whose guidelines were presented by the Government on Wednesday and which will result from a collaborative process “over the next three years”.

With the reform of licensing in the area of urban planning, which was part of the Mais Habitação program, the Government intends to eliminate “dispensable or redundant” licenses, authorisations, acts and procedures.