Today maximum temperatures will range between 19ºC in Faro and Santarém and 11ºC in Guarda. Minimum temperatures vary between 13ºC in Sagres and 4ºC in Bragança.

On Saturday, expect generally slightly cloudy skies, generally weak wind" and "mist or morning fog in some places". However, there will be a "rise in maximum temperature", especially in the North and Central regions, and a "small drop in minimum temperature".

Faro will have the highest maximum temperature (22ºC) and in Guarda the lowest (14ºC). Minimum temperatures will vary between 12ºC in Faro and 2ºC in Bragança.

On Sunday, there is a forecast of "periods of very cloudy skies, appearing slightly cloudy or clear in the South region from the morning onwards" and the possibility of light precipitation in the North region".

Maximum temperatures will range between 21ºC in Braga, Leiria, Santarém, Lisbon and Setúbal and 15ºC in Guarda. Minimum temperatures vary between 11ºC in Faro, Sagres and Setúbal and 4ºC in Bragança.