The 170 delegations and humanitarian centers of the Portuguese Red Cross have around two thousand workers who guarantee the operation of the most varied services, from daycare centers to kindergartens, nursing homes or assisted living facilities.

The salaries and working hours of kindergarten teachers or nurses may be different depending on whether they work in one or another delegation, stated António Quitério, director of the Federação Nacional de Professores (Fenprof).

“We have kindergarten educators who work 40 hours a week while others work 35 hours. But we also have working hours of 44 hours or 37 hours”, disclosed the director.

Rui Marroni, from the Sindicato dos Enfermeiros Portugueses (SEP), revealed “all across Red Cross delegations, there are different situations. A nurse in Tavira has a 35-hour schedule, while a nurse in Elvas works 40 hours a week”.

“We want everyone to have a working schedule of 35 hours a week”, stressed Rui Marroni, adding that salaries for the same functions may vary.

While some nurses receive “€900 per month working 40 hours a week”, and others take home €1,500 with a 35-hour weekly schedule, he lamented.

“Currently, each Red Cross delegation has pseudo-autonomy. This is also why we are interested in finalising the process so that, regardless of the workplace, working conditions are similar”, said António Quitério.

Negotiation of a Company Agreement (AE) began in 2016. Since then, three presidents have passed through the leadership of the Portuguese Red Cross (CVP) and workers continue to wait for “better professional conditions”, concluded António Quitério.