More than a quarter (27.5%) of these periodical publications are published in the municipality of Lisbon, for a total of 231. This is followed by Porto, Oeiras, Coimbra, and Sintra, on the list of the five municipalities with the highest number of periodical publications in 2022, according to analysis from Marktest, which cites data from INE (National Institute of Statistics), and reported by ECO.

In 87 of the 308 municipalities in Portugal, at least one periodical publication is published and in 95 municipalities there are three or more. On the other hand, in 126 Portuguese municipalities, there are no periodical publications.

Of the total number of periodical publications, 13.11% are in electronic form, 41.12% in paper and electronic form, and 45.7% in paper only.

In 2022, around 339 million periodical publications were circulated (338,881,202), with this circulation being almost half divided between newspapers (50.2%) and magazines (49.2%).

In total, the circulation of printed editions in 2022 was around 176 million (175,852,432). Of this, 68.7% were from newspapers and 31.3% from magazines.

A periodic publication is considered to be one that is published in a continuous series with the same title, on paper or/and electronically. Circulation of a periodical publication corresponds to the number of copies placed on the market and reaching readers, corresponding to the sum of sales, subscriptions, and offers. Circulation is the total number of copies of a given edition on paper.