PSW24 will once again showcase Portugal as a global shipping and maritime logistics centre and an increasingly important player in the European and global energy transition. Indeed, at its core will be the decarbonisation of shipping and ports, and how national governments, ports, terminals, and the shipping community are preparing for the challenge.

The packed week of activities offers foreign shipowners and managers, and representatives from every other maritime discipline, a unique and exciting opportunity to develop important new commercial relationships with the leaders of the Portuguese maritime and alternative energy sectors, as well as major international players. It also provides a superb opportunity to visit two of Portugal’s most important ports and to see how they are preparing for a zero-carbon future.

Making her first official speech since her appointment as Portugal’s new Secretary of State for Maritime Affairs, Lídia Bulcão gave the keynote speech at the start of Portugal Shipping Week in Lisbon, and shipping’s energy transition was very much the focus of the first session, along with the challenges posed to the sector in the context of ongoing geopolitical tensions.

For the full programme and further details, please visit