According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), in March the average regular monthly gross remuneration - which excludes salary components such as holiday and Christmas bonuses, meaning it has a less seasonal behaviour - was 1,285 euros, registering an increase nominal counterpart of 6.1% and real (taking inflation into account) of 3.8%.

The average gross monthly salary per employee stood at 1,138 euros and registered a nominal increase of 6.3% and a real increase of 4.0%.

These results cover 4.6 million jobs, corresponding to Social Security beneficiaries and Caixa Geral de Aposentações subscribers, 2.9% more than in the same period of 2023.

According to INE, in relation to March 2023, the average total monthly gross remuneration increased in all dimensions of analysis (economic activity, company size, institutional sector, technological intensity, and knowledge intensity).

The biggest increases were observed in "extractive industries" (12.9%), in companies with 500 or more workers (6.9%), in the public sector (6.3%), and in "market services companies with a strong knowledge intensity" (9.4%).

In March, the average total remuneration per worker varied between 902 euros in the activities of "agriculture, animal production, hunting, forestry and fishing" and 3,237 euros in the activities of "electricity, gas, steam, hot and cold water, and cold air".

By company size, total remuneration varied between 1,000 euros in companies with one to four employees and 1,716 euros in companies with 500 or more employees.