An €11 million investment has been made by Almina, the company that holds the concession for the Aljustrel (Beja) mines, to build a new secondary surface crushing unit that will cut down on dust emissions. As Almina explained, “The company thus replaces the installation that existed 16 years ago, building a new, more compact, and more efficient unit”.

The new secondary crushing, which is situated "11 metres below the previous one," also enables Almina to shorten the exterior conveyor belts "by 264 metres, reducing the number of dust dispersion points." Almina noted in the note that the former secondary crushing plant was situated "in a 'layout' spread across three buildings" that were connected "through conveyor belts" and adjacent to the washing plant. In comparison, he went on, the new installation now occupies "only an existing covered space" and is located 90 metres further away from the National Road (EN) 261 and, "consequently," from the town of Aljustrel.

Almina, the concession company in Alentejo which produces copper, zinc, and lead and has more than 1,2000 employees, has told Lusa in a statement that the installation of this new unit allowed for the maintenance of "the installed extraction capacity licensed by the TUA – Single Environmental Title and SIR – Responsible Industry System, of 7,008.000 tons/year" while also lowering "high maintenance costs”.