The Minister of the Presidency, António Leitão Amaro, said that the Government decided on measures that “bring justice and moderation” and that “repeal errors”.

“We revoked a series of regulatory prohibitions and changed others, which had the consequence of making precarious or affecting past licenses of people who had invested in the last decade, hoping to have returns in the long term and that this return, this confidence in the investment, had been betrayed by the action of the State”, he highlighted.

One of the measures, according to the minister, is the revocation of a fixation of the aging coefficient, “which in practice had the consequence of increasing the IMI of properties in local accommodation”.

The executive counts on the help of municipalities, which will be able to make the rules and monitor their application taking into account the reality in their territory, to allow for “finding different, but more harmonious, situations”.

Municipalities may have a “regulatory role, but also as a mediator in conflicts” between owners within properties in horizontal ownership and establish the conditions for issuing and registering new licenses.

Leitão Amaro stressed that these revocations, particularly “of the license situation”, do not mean unlimited deregulation of the market where local accommodation operates.

The minister considered that the previous government, a socialist one, “chose the AL as an unfair target to try to excuse its incapacity which led to the worsening of the housing crisis”, while the current executive replaced this “punitive vision with a balanced vision”, which recognises that there are areas of greater urban pressure and greater tourist pressure.