The event takes place between the 6th and 10th of June, promoted by the Chamber of Arraiolos, and the program includes activities such as musical shows, street entertainment, historical recreation, exhibitions, display and sale of regional and craft products, and gastronomy.

The exhibition of Arraiolos carpets in the historic centre of Alentejo town, with several examples of this local tapestry spread in the streets and squares and hanging on doors, windows, and balconies, constitutes the main highlight of the event, which will open on Thursday, at 18:00.

Seeking to promote and enhance the Arraiolos carpet, the initiative also aims to publicise the municipality and contribute to the “boost of the local economy” and the “economic and social development of the municipality”.

The event's line-up of shows includes performances by the group Zanguizarra (June 6th), Carolina de Deus (07th), Pedro Abrunhosa (08th), Rita Rocha (09th) and Sara Correia (10th), all at 22:00, on Municipal Square.

References to the Arraiolos carpet, embroidered with wool on canvas, have been known since the end of the 16th century (1598), originating in the Alentejo village with the same name, populated at the beginning of that century by Moors and Jews, expelled from Mouraria de Lisbon by D. Manuel I.