He has been assured by the company that there will be “a reinforcement of human resources”.

In total, there will now be 15 teams, which represents “an increase of 25%” compared to last year, according to EMARP – Empresa Municipal de Águas e Residuos de Portimão.

To further improve urban cleaning in the municipality, EMARP, following the protocol signed with Algar, began to ensure, throughout the municipality's territory, the free collection operation “Algarlinha”, which allows diverting, at the source, recyclable waste produced by small businesses, restaurants, and services.

“It is expected that this operation, which currently serves 250 participating establishments, can grow gradually, freeing up the cargo capacity for domestic production”, says EMARP.

In addition to guaranteeing the selective collection service dedicated to small businesses and services, which involved the hiring of additional human resources and the acquisition of vehicles, EMARP is ensuring the collection of recyclable waste in the surroundings of ecopoints and plans to reinforce the containerisation of recyclables (buried) in critical locations, with the purchasing process underway.

The Municipality of Portimão and EMARP, the company responsible for collecting unsorted waste (common waste) and organic waste, reiterate the importance of ALGAR complying with a collection frequency that is in line with the increase in waste recorded during the summer season, without compromising cleaning of public space and the work carried out in the area of ​​environmental awareness.