The government wants to “create an instrument for channelling private capital for social investment in immigrant integration projects”, namely “Residence Permits for Social Investment – ​​a change in relation to the scope of Residence Permits for Investment (ARI), to include investments made in reception equipment and infrastructure, integration projects and support for immigrants in vulnerable situations”, according to the document.

“This extension of the ARI adds to that foreseen in ‘Construir Portugal’ for investment in housing at controlled costs or affordable income”, recalls the Executive in the migration plan.

Furthermore, the Government intends to launch a “system of intermediation and accreditation of social investment, namely through the FAMI (Fund for Asylum, Migration, and Integration)”.

Another measure to attract private investment involves “applying the Social Impact Bonds model to the area of ​​migration to increase opportunities for integration into the labour market and reception conditions, sharing the development of responses with investors and the philanthropy sector”.